June 29 - July 8, 2026
Spectacular birds & mammals
in one of the world’s greatest wetlands,
the Pantanal,
in the heart of Brazil!
Jardim da Amazônia
June 25 - 29, 2026
Contact gina@sunrisebirding.com to
Cost> Registration
Form(pdf)> Tour
vast Brazilian Pantanal
is one of the greatest
wetlands anywhere on
earth, where the incredible
number of water birds
has to be seen to be
believed. Reminiscent
of an African safari
but in South America,
the Pantanal has been
one of our most popular
tours, and rightly so.
This is an easy and
relaxed tour with excellent
opportunities to see
the wealth of wildlife
on offer at fairly close
range. Situated close
to the border with Bolivia,
the Pantanal astounds
everyone who visits
by its sheer size (around
55,000 square miles!)
and openness.
the Transpantaneira
highway, you can watch
huge Jabiru wading
in the shallow marshes,
families of Southern
Screamers, Sunbitterns
and more storks, herons,
ibis and water birds
than it is possible
to count. Parrots
and macaws brighten
the tree tops, while
the truly spectacular Hyacinth
the largest parrot
in the world is
stunning and very
easy to get close
to allowing excellent
of the many highlights
of this tour will be
our search for the magnificent
Jaguar. One of our three
special boat trips will
go in search of this
elusive species and
lets hope we continue
our run of luck seeing
this huge predator.
We also have chances
to see Giant Anteater,
Capybara, Brazilian
Tapir, Giant River Otter
and with luck an Anaconda
or the rare Maned Wolf.
complement the sprawling
landscape of the Pantanal
we will spend some of
our time in Chapada
dos Guimaraes National
Park taking in its dry
scrub, huge waterfalls,
cerrado, and riverine
forest, and its own
selection of very special
birds including hummingbirds,
manakins, antbirds,
motmots, tinamous and
addition, we are offering
a very special extension
to the fabulous
Jardim da Amazônia
a tropical lodge that
supports a whole range
of species not possible
on our main tour and
this is also the only
place in the world
to see the recently discovered
Cone-billed Tanager.
Here are just a few of the fabulous possibilities on this tour:
* Hyacinth Macaw
* Red-legged Seriema
* Southern Screamer
* Jaguar
* Horned Sungem
* Helmeted Manakin
* Sunbittern
* Sungrebe
* Greater Rhea
* Giant River Otter
* Curl-crested Jay
* Giant Anteater
* Cone-billed Tanager
* Razor-billed Currasow
* Flame-crested Manakin
* Blue-and-yellow Macaw
* Glossy Antshrike
* Snow-capped Manakin
* Spotted Antbird
* Blackish Nightjar
* Rose-breasted Chat
* Red-necked Aracari
* Amazonian Umbrellabird
* Black-bellied Thorntail
Cost> Registration
Form> Go here for past trip reports>
PANTANAL - MAIN TOUR ITINERARY, June 29 - July 8, 2026
1: Arrive Cuiabá.
on arriving today at Marechal
Rondon International Airport
in Cuiabá, Brazil (Airport
code: CGB) where the group will meet for our first dinner. Night Cuiabá. (D)
Days 2 & 3: Cuiabá to Piuval Lodge
This morning after breakfast we will pack up and head into the Pantanal! We make our way south toward the city of Pocone and the start of the Transpantaneira Highway which traverses the northern Pantanal. Even before we reach the entrance gate to the Pantanal, we will likely see Greater Rheas in the open fields. As we travel the first part of the 120 km long Transpantaneira, we should get our first taste of this truly magical area passing patches of natural forest surrounded by dry floodplain and savannas.
Along our route, we will look for our first Bare-faced Ibis, Greater Thornbird, Amazonian Motmot, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Striped Cuckoo, Lesser Seed-Finch, White-tailed Goldenthroat, Crested Oropendola, Black-collared Hawk, Green-barred Woodpecker, Band-tailed Antbird, Little Woodpecker, Rusty-collared Seedeater, Masked Gnatcatcher, Large Elaenia, Wattled Jacana, Maguari Stork, Capped Heron, White-wedged Piculet, Yellow-billed Cardinal, and Red-pileated Finches.
And, we'll scan the open areas for Red-legged Seriema, Buff-necked Ibis, Plumbeous Ibis, the huge Jabiru, Golden-collared Macaws, Long-tailed Ground-Dove and Guira Cuckoos.
As we progress further through the Pantanal, patches of scrubby forest and surrounding area should offer Great Rufous Woodcreeper, Rufous Cachalote, Chaco Chachalaca, Chestnut-eared Aracaris, White Woodpecker, Masked Gnatcatcher, Black-fronted Nunbird, Planalto and Mato Grosso Antshrikes, Yellow-billed and Red-crested Cardinals plus a host of other species. The many roadside ponds hold numerous Yacare Caiman and we can search for smart looking Capped and Whistling Herons and possibly our first Southern Screamers.
Later in the day, we arrive and check-in to our Piuval Lodge and look forward to a full day exploring this area tomorrow. We'll freshen up, meet to review our list of species seen, and enjoy a nice dinner. 2 nights Piuval Lodge (B,L,D)
Day 4: Rio Claro
Today we continue birding and wildlife watching and heading still further into the Pantanal toward Rio Claro Lodge. On the way in, we'll stop along the entrance road to look for Whistling Heron, Sunbittern and Red-billed Scythebill. When we reach the lodge, the bird feeders around our rooms may have Nanday and Blue-crowned Parakeets. The small ponds and wet areas are a great place to see the wonderful Sunbittern and this evening we have an opportunity to do an evening boat trip along the Rio Claro River which can offer such delights at Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher and if we are lucky, Zigzag Heron. (B,L,D)
Days 5 & 6: Hotel Pantanal Norte, Porto Jofre
This morning we bird around the lodge and then continue our journey along the Transpantaneira through the heart of the Pantanal, with plenty of opportunities to appreciate and enjoy one of the greatest avian spectacles anywhere in the world, as an amazing abundance of water birds, including a wide variety of ibis, storks, herons and egrets compete for our attention.

We can expect extremely close views as many species feed next to the road, allowing superb photographic opportunities. Eventually we will arrive at the end of this road and our lodge where we spend the next 2 nights. Hopefully, we will have enough daylight to look around the grounds of this lovely lodge situated on the shores of the Cuiabá River and see the Toco Toucans that make the lodge grounds their home.
Our well positioned base allows us ample opportunities to find some of the areas best birds, including the world’s largest parrot, the fantastic and noisy Hyacinth Macaw which is often in the palm trees just outside our rooms. This is sure to be a memorable experience and one of the major highlights of the tour, as we watch these spectacular birds feeding and flying to and from their roosting trees.
The main focus of Day 6 will be to embark on a boat trip onto the Cuiabá River where our primary target species is the magnificent Jaguar, and absolutely awesome predator that is on many enthusiasts most wanted list. In the heat of the day these animals come down to the river banks to rest in the cool breeze that comes off the water’s surface. Other times of day, we may see Jaguars swimming in the river, hunting Caiman along the shore, or walking the sand bars of the river.
The success rate of seeing Jaguars here has improved enormously over the last few years as the local guides knowledge on how to find them has also improved. We stand a very good chance of seeing this big cat, but no guarantees as it is nature and not a zoo! There will be plenty of avian distractions as we search for Jaguars and we can expect species such as Large-billed and Yellow-billed Terns, Black Skimmer, Rufescent Tiger-Heron and Wattled Jacana. We could also come across Giant River Otters. In the evening we may make use of spotlights to search for a variety of nocturnal wildlife. With luck we could find Tapir, Giant Anteater, Crab-eating Racoon, Margay or Ocelot, as well as both Nacunda and Band-tailed Nighthawks. 2 Nights Porte Jofre. (B,L,D)
Day 7: Porto Jofre to Pousa Alegre
Today we leave Porto Jofre and start to head north on Transpantaneira. Our next lodge Pousa Alegre, famed for its birds around the rooms as well as the chance to look for Brazilian Tapir and even Giant Anteater or the rarely seen Giant Armadillo.
Birds are literally everywhere, and by covering various forest types and swamps we may find Greater Rhea, Rufescent Tiger-Heron, Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture, Aplomado and Bat Falcons, Pearl and Snail Kites, Crane and Black-collared Hawks, Sungrebe, Buff-necked and Green Ibises, Undulated Tinamou, Brazilian Teal, Capped and Cocoi Herons, the endemic Chestnut-bellied Guan, Blue-throated Piping Guan, Bare-faced Curassow, Red-and-Green Macaw, Peach-fronted, Yellow-chevroned and Monk Parakeets, Turquoise-fronted Amazon, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Pale-crested Woodpecker, Red-billed Scythebill, Great Rufous Woodcreeper, White Monjita, Gilded Hummingbird, Buff-bellied Hermit, Glittering-throated Emerald, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Pale-legged Hornero, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Chalk-browed Mockingbird, Black-capped Donacobius, Yellowish Pipit, Flavescent Warbler, Silver-beaked Tanager, Blue-crowned Trogon, Solitary Black Cacique, Thrush-like Wren, White-headed Marsh-Tyrant, Purplish Jay, Yellow-billed Cardinal, Rusty-fronted Tody-Flycatcher, Unicolored and Scarlet-headed Blackbirds among the many, many other possibilities.
As the day cools, we'll search some of the nearby forests and open wetland habitat for a multitude of species such as Whistling Heron, Plumbeous Ibis, Long-tailed Ground-Dove, Campo Oriole, Greater Thornbird, Rufous Cacholote, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Mato Grosso Antbird, Ashy-headed Greenlet, Dull-capped Attila, Forest Elaenia, Pale-crested and Golden-green Woodpeckers, Campo Flicker, Rusty-backed Spinetail and the gorgeous Helmeted Manakin. We also have opportunities to see many species of dragonfly and butterfly. 1 night Pouso Alegre Lodge (B,L,D)
8 & 9: Chapada
dos Guimaraes
Today we head to the dry Chapada dos Guimaraes where the
plains of central Brazil
abruptly come to an end,
with the habitat changing
to reveal red rocky outcrops,
canyons, riverine and
cerrado forest with ferns,
orchids and bromeliads.
This stunning area offers
excellent birding amidst
spectacular scenery. A
whole new range of bird
species await us among
the dry Chapada habitat.
Red-winged Tinamou, Channel-billed
Toucan, King Vulture,
American Swallow-tailed
Kite, Crested Black-Tyrant,
Peach-fronted and White-eyed
Parakeets, Curl-crested
Jay, Red-and-Green Macaw,
Blue-headed Parrot, Biscutate
and Greater Dusky Swifts, Horned
Sungem (Photo:
Diego Calderon),
Dot-eared Coquette, Cinnamon-throated
Hermit, Fork-tailed Woodnymph,
Blue-crowned Motmot, the endemic
Rufous-winged Antshrike, Chapadas
Flycatcher, Plain-crested
Elaenia, Southern Scrub Flycatcher,
White-eared and Spot-backed
Puffbird, Large-billed Antwren,
Planalto Slaty Antshrike,
Masked Tityra, Band-tailed
and Helmeted Manakins, White-bellied
Warbler, Campo Flicker, Thick-billed
Euphonia, Guira, Black-faced,
Grey-headed, White-banded,
Cinnamon, White-rumped and
Swallow Tanagers, Stripe-tailed
Yellow Finch, Coal-crested
Finches, Collared Crescentchest
and possibly the mighty Crowned
Eagle are among the a host
of species available. We
have even been lucky enough
to see the elegant and rare
Maned Wolf here!
We will spend our time exploring this fabulous
area and look for such
species as Ornate Hawk-Eagle,
Laughing Falcon, Rufous-bellied
Thrush, Green-barred
Woodpecker, Masked Tityra,
Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch,
Rusty-backed Spinetail,
White-backed Fire-Eye
and the fantastic Horned
Sungem. Pheasant Cuckoos
are also in the area
but are incredibly difficult
to see so we would need
luck on our side to
actually see one. Beside
a wonderful waterfall
we can see Biscutate
and Great Sooty Swifts
as well as White-eared
Puffbird, Blue-shouldered
Macaw and with luck
the elusive Blue Finch.
Another great area holds
the rare Yellow-faced
Parrot, plus Chapada
Flycatcher, Swallow-wing
and both Least Nighthawk
and Little Nightjar
towards dusk. This is
also a super place to
see Red-legged
Seriema. A patch of
woodland offers us the
chance to see Band-tailed and
Fiery-capped Manakins as
well as White-backed
Fire-eye, Channel-billed
Toucan and Amazonian
Motmot. (B,L,D)
10: Cuiabá,
end of main Pantanal tour
breakfast we will leave the
chapada and
drive back toward Cuiabá in
to get to Cuiabá Airport
for your international departures.
We would advise that we should
get to the airport between
noon and 1 PM so please do
not arrange
any international flights
to leave Cuiabá before
earliest 3:30 PM. (B)
to Jardim da Amazônia
June 25: Arrival Cuiabá
Plan to arrive in Cuiabá today. You will be transferred to a nearby hotel and meet the group for dinner. No activities are planned for today as it is an arrival day.
June 26: Cuiabá – Jardim da Amazônia
Breakfast the then travel to the tropical lodge
of Jardim da Amazônia. Check-in is 3 PM so we hope to have some time explore the surroundings of our base before settling into our rooms for the next 3 nights. (D)
June 27 & 28: Jardim
da Amazônia
have two full days to
explore this wonderful
area where many species
not available on the
regular Pantanal trip
can be seen. This superb
jungle lodge is the
only place in the world
you can see the critically
endangered Cone-billed Tanager (Photo: Eduardo Patrial) a species only rediscovered in 2003 after being lost for 100 years, and we will be making a special effort to try and find this rarely seen species. Today we will bird the area. We'll likely see the
common Brown
Jacamar (Photo:
Gina Nichol), our first Kingfishers
and perhaps a troupe of Gray's
Monk Saki Monkeys as well as
the local Capybaras on the lodge
grounds. At
sunset, we'll go out to the
entrance road of the lodge and
watch the Blue-and-yellow Macaws
come in to their palm tree roosts
for the night.

are plenty of other superb
birds in this area and we
have lots of time to search
a variety of habitats in
search of a good variety.
Among the Mauritia palms
that abound around the lodge
we will look for specialties
like Point-tailed Palmcreeper
and Sulphury Flycatcher,
while Bare-necked Fruitcrows
and a host of tanagers and
flycatcher should entertain
us. Nearby trails and a
boat trip will have us searching
for such avian delights
as Razor-billed Currasow,
Slaty Antshrike, Helmeted
Pygmy-Tyrant, Amazonian
Umbrellabird, Red-necked
Aracari, Gould’s
Toucanet, Rose-breasted
Chat, Pink-throated Becard
and a host of parrot species
including the spectacular
Blue-and-yellow Macaw, plus
Red-bellied, Blue-winged
and Red-shouldered Macaws.
There are many superb smaller
birds to look for including
Tooth-billed Wren, Glossy
Antshrike, Black-girdled
Barbet, Spotted Puffbird,
Flame-crested, Fiery-capped,
Red-headed and Snow-capped
Manakins, and many more
species. With pools and
a clear river nearby, if
it gets too hot there will
be a chance to relax midday.
Nights Jardim de Amazônia
June 29: Jardim de Amazônia – Cuiabá
Today, we will make our way back toward Cuiabá for the main Pantanal tour.
Contact gina@sunrisebirding.com to
reserve your space!